Our governance service delves into risk management strategy, frameworks and risk appetite statements, helping you create criteria for proper accountability and behaviour by setting the right incentives and structures.

Your people are your greatest asset and have the power to drive your success – we implement structures that align people, culture, and risk to enable growth.

Our due diligence service will help you make informed decisions about mergers and acquisitions, divestments, products, and business strategy. All in accordance with your risk appetite. Through risk advisory, we’ll work with you to uncover multiple areas you may not have considered before, offering confidence and choice through a deep understanding of credit, lending, and risk. We draw on our broad network of experts to ensure you have access to the insights you need.


Fidelis Advisors delivers tailored risk management solutions and services to financial institutions. We offer three core services to help you achieve balance:



We work with you to uncover multiple areas you may not have considered before, offering confidence and choice through a deep understanding of credit, lending, and risk.



Our governance service delves into risk management strategy, frameworks and risk appetite statements, helping you create criteria for proper accountability and behaviour by setting the right incentives and structures. Your people are your greatest asset and have the power to drive your success – we implement structures that align people, culture, and risk to enable growth. 



Our due diligence service helps you make informed decisions about mergers and acquisitions, divestments, products, and business strategy. All in accordance with your risk appetite.

At Fidelis Advisors we value empathy, honesty, and a shared commitment to outcomes.